How to filter search results and collections

To add filters:

  1. Select Filters near the top of a collection or search results page.
  2. Choose a category: Jurisdiction, Practice area, Content type, or Other subjects.
  3. Select as many filters as you'd like.
    If you want to add a filter from a different category, select the back arrow near the top to return to the main filters.
  4. Select Apply.

The search filters have Boolean logic. Filters within the same category use the OR operator. Filters across different categories use the AND operator. In other words:

  • If you're just using filters from one category, your results will include titles that fit any of your filters.
  • If you add filters from multiple categories, your results will only include titles that fit all of your filters.


  • If you select Deskbook and Treatise under "Content type," your results will include both deskbooks and treatises.
  • If you select Casebook under "Content type" and Corporate law under "Practice area," your results will only include corporate law casebooks.
  • If you select California and New York under "Jurisdiction" and Copyright under "Practice area," your results will include titles about copyright in California or copyright in New York.

See also